

LaPira, Timothy M. and Herschel F. Thomas. 2017. Revolving Door Lobbying: Public Service, Private Influence, and the Unequal Representation of Interests. University Press of Kansas.


21. Sledge, Daniel and Herschel F. Thomas. Risk Communication and Large Language Models. Risk, Hazards, & Crisis in Public Policy, forthcoming.

20. Fagan, E.J., Alexander Furnas, Chris Koski, Herschel F. Thomas, Samuel Workman, and Corinne Connor. The Issue Dynamics of Policy Process Scholarship. Policy Studies Journal, forthcoming.

19. Bayram, Burcu A., Daniel Sledge, and Herschel F. Thomas. Ideology, Local-Level Policymaking, and International Governmental Organizations. International Studies Quarterly, forthcoming.

18. Overton, Michael, Stephen Kleinschmit, Mary Feeney, Federica Fusi, Nick Hart, Spiro Maroulis, Kayla Schwoerer, Eric Stokan, Herschel F. Thomas, and Samuel Workman. 2023. Administrative Informatics: A Roundtable on the Conceptual Foundations of a Public Administration-centered Data Science Subfield. Journal of Behavioral Public Administration, 6 (1-31).

17. Sledge, Daniel, Herschel F. Thomas, Bai Linh Hoang, and George Mohler. 2022. Impact of Medicaid, Race/Ethnicity, and Criminal Justice Referral on Opioid Use Disorder Treatment. Journal of the American Association of Psychiatry and the Law, 50(4), 1-11

16. Epp, Derek A. and Herschel F. Thomas. 2022. When Bad News Becomes Routine: Continuous Information Moderates How Governments Respond to Policy Problems. Political Research Quarterly, 76(1), 3-13.

15. Sledge, Daniel and Herschel F. Thomas. 2021. Public Perceptions of the Role of Government and Non-State Actors in Responding to COVID-19. Risk, Hazards, & Crisis in Public Policy

14. Fagan, E.J., Zachary McGee, and Herschel F. Thomas. 2021. The Power of the Party: Conflict Expansion and the Agenda Diversity of Interest Groups. Political Research Quarterly, 74(1):90-102.

13. LaPira, Timothy M. and Herschel F. Thomas. 2020. The Lobbying Disclosure Act at 25: Challenges and Opportunities for AnalysisInterest Groups & Advocacy, 9(1): 257-271. 

12. LaPira, Timothy, Kathleen Marchetti, and Herschel F. Thomas. 2019. Gender Politics in the Lobbying Profession. Politics & Gender, 16(3): 816-844.

11. Sledge, Daniel and Herschel. F. Thomas. 2019. From Disaster Response to Community Recovery: Nongovernmental Entities, Government, and Public Health. American Journal of Public Health, 109(3): 437-444.

10. Thomas, Herschel F. and Timothy M. LaPira. 2017. How Many Lobbyists Are in Washington?: Shadow Lobbying and the Gray Market for Political Advocacy. Interest Groups and Advocacy, 6(3):199-214.

9. Thomas, Herschel F. 2017. Modeling Contagion in Policy Systems. Cognitive Systems Research, 44:74-88.

8. LaPira, Timothy M., Herschel F. Thomas, and Frank R. Baumgartner. 2014. Washington Lobbyists in the Core and on the Periphery. Interest Groups and Advocacy, 3(3): 219-245.

7. Boydstun, Amber E., Shaun Bevan, and Herschel F. Thomas. 2014. The Importance of Attention Diversity and How to Measure ItPolicy Studies Journal, 42(2): 173-196.

6. Theriault, Sean T. and Herschel F. Thomas. The Diffusion of Support for Same-Sex Marriage in the US Senate. 2014. PS: Political Science and Politics, 47(4): 824-828.

5. Jones, Bryan D., Herschel F. Thomas, and Michelle Wolfe. 2014. Policy Bubbles. Policy Studies Journal, 42(1): 146-171.

4. LaPira, Timothy M. and Herschel F. Thomas. 2014. The Revolving Door and Interest Representation. Interest Groups and Advocacy, 3(1): 1-26.

3. Halpin, Darren R. and Herschel F. Thomas. 2012. Evaluating the Breadth of Policy Engagement by Organized InterestsPublic Administration, 90(3): 582-599.

2. Halpin, Darren R. and Herschel F. Thomas. 2012. Interest Group Survival: Exploring Mortality Anxiety. Interest Groups and Advocacy, 1(2): 215-238.

1. Maitland, Carleen, Herschel F. Thomas, and Louis-Marie Ngamassi. 2012. Internet Censorship and the Protection of Human Rights: An Organizational Informatics Perspective. Journal of Information Technology, 27(4): 285-300.


County Budgetary Dynamics: Findings from Appalachia (with Corinne Connor and Samuel Workman, presented at APSA 2022 and COPPR 2023)

  • Winner of the APSA (Public Policy Section) 2023 Best Paper on Public Policy Award 

Punctuate Once, Measure Thrice (with Samuel Workman, presented at MPSA 2024, APSA 2024)

Compounding Crises: Non-state Service Provision in the Context of Multiple Extreme Events (with Daniel Sledge, presented at APPAM 2022, SPSA 2022, SPSA 2024)

Tired of Hearing it: Habituation to Problems and Regulatory Enforcement (with Ross Buchanan and Derek Epp, presented at CAP 2023)

The Limits of the Revolving Door (with Maraam Dwidar, presented at APSA 2024, MPSA 2024)